Most grateful thanks, as always, to test-solvers Lance Nathan and Trip Payne for proofing, testing, and making countless perceptive and useful comments on this extravaganza. I couldn't have wished for better.

Thanks also to Corey Plover and his prodigious word list for a search assist.

Verify puzzle solutions by clicking the "?" for a submission window.

When you have the overall solution, for a slot on the Leaderboard. If a team, please include everyone's name and/or nom as desired.

Any FAQs or errata will appear here, so check back if something seems to be amiss.


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AMJAD AND AS'AD: It turns out that one of these pairs doesn't share quite the same relationship as all the rest do. Please proceed as if they do. (Thanks Greg Brume!)

THE TENT OF SHAHRAMAN: The second word of the Sultan's first clue should be "correspondence", not "correspondance". (Thanks Paul Melamud!)

THE OLD MAN OF THE SEA: In the second column, "Edwad" should be "Edward". (Thanks Dwight Freund!)

THE CITY OF WINGED MEN: In the first line of the introduction, "inhabits" should be "inhabitants". (Thanks Paul Melamud!)