Most grateful thanks, as always, to test-solvers Lance Nathan, Trip Payne, and David Shukan for proofing, testing, and making countless perceptive and useful comments on this extravaganza. These puzzles were much improved because of each of them.

Thanks also to Corey Plover and Joe Cabrera for their coding and graphics expertise, respectively.

When you have the overall solution, for a slot on the Leaderboard. If a team, please include everyone's name and/or nom as desired.

Any FAQs or errata will appear here, so check back if something seems to be amiss.


Hints and Solutions will be posted Tuesday September 20th, so solutions may still be submitted on Monday 19th.


Dioneo -- The enumeration for "favorite pet" should be "9", not "10". Thanks Greg Brume!

Panfilo -- The enumeration for 6A is missing; it should be (4). Thanks Wei-Hwa Huang!

The "45" in the grid is errant, and not part of anything puzzly. Thanks Geoff Bailey!